• 快讯 100% Condom Use Programme: Experience from China(2001-2004)

    China has been challenged by the HIV/AIDS pandemic in ways that are both similar to and unique from experiences in other countries. China’s large and ethnically diverse population, its geographic expanse, rapid economic growth, institutional transition from a planned to an open economy and evolution of social norms have shaped its growing HIV/AIDS epidemic. China’s well-organized civil administration, trained professional cadres and far-reaching public health infrastructure have, on the other hand, proved to be a valuable resource in mobilizing a response to HIV/AIDS. As a part of that response, China embarked on an effort between 2001 and 2004 to evaluate a unique preventive health strategy—the 100% Condom Use Programme (100% CUP)— to determine whether it could be replicated and achieve results in Chinese communities. The 100% CUP strategy was originally developed in Thailand where it proved to be remarkably effective in assuring condom use in entertainment establishments, and in reducing the prevalence of STI and HIV/AIDS among sex workers and their clients, as well as the general population. 100% CUP is now being implemented in other Asian countries, with similarly positive results in reducing the threat of STI and HIV/AIDS. In 2001, the Chinese Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) worked together to launch the 100% CUP in two locations: Wuhan City in Hubei province, Jingjiang County in Jiangsu province, and one year later in 2002, another two sites in Danzhou City in Hainan province, and Lixian County in Hunan province. In 2003 with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the China Family Planning Association launched another 100% CUP pilot project in Liuzhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The overall findings of the Chinese pilot projects are that the 100% CUP strategy can be effective in China, that Chinese local governments can organize multisectoral support for the 100% CUP, and that these programmes can achieve notable increases in condom use and a reduction in STI among workers in entertainment establishments. The four WHO-sponsored pilot sites witnessed dramatic increases in condom use among entertainment establishment workers at each site, ranging from approximately 50% increase over the course of piloting in Hubei province, to a more than 500% increase in the pilot in Hainan province. While the pilots had very low HIV infection rates to start with, even at zero cases in some provinces (Jingjiang, Huangpi and Danzhou), the pilots did witness decreases in Chlamydia infections ranging from about 34% in the Hubei province pilot, to 88% reduction in rate in the Hainan province pilot. Essential elements of the 100% CUP strategy were successfully implemented in each of the pilot communities, using a variety of tactics to organize a programme appropriate for local circumstances. Multisectoral “leading groups” which implemented the programmes in each pilot community have included members from various agencies relevant to the local response. The critical relationship between the bureaus of Public Health and Public Security has been accomplished effectively through a variety of techniques, and methods for monitoring and enforcing condom use among entertainment establishment workers have been adapted to local circumstances. The documented success and utility of the 100% CUP strategy has inspired district and provincial authorities to scale up and launch new programmes in other communities, including province-wide scale-ups in Hubei and Hunan, which are currently underway. Important lessons have been learnt through the pilot projects about the challenges of establishing a 100% CUP and the methods for overcoming them. Other communities planning to implement the strategy can benefit greatly by drawing upon the experiences of these pilot projects and the lessons they provide.
  • 快讯 Assessing HIV/AIDS Initiatives in China: Persistent Challenges and Promising Ways Forward

    The Center for Strategic and International Studies HIV/AID Task Force’s new report examines persistent challenges and gaps in the prevention and control of the epidemic in China. The report notes that a more comprehensive, coordinated, and concerted national and international response to China’s HIV/AIDS challenge is still at a relatively early stage. The report also assesses many “best practices” and innovative strategies that have emerged as China’s response to the epidemic expands and evolves, including methadone replacement therapy, expanding voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) and peer education, condom promotion, comprehensive drug-dependence and rehabilitation services, and access to antiretroviral therapy. Given the HIV/AIDS situation in China, the persistent challenges, and the emergent best practices, the report concludes with four key sets of recommendations: Give primary focus to key marginalized and at-risk populations; work toward a more comprehensive, “full-spectrum”, patient-management approach; intensify engagement with domestic and international nongovernmental players; deepen coordination across government agencies and key actors.
  • 快讯 “无国界医生组织及襄樊市疾控中心艾滋病治疗项目三周年”宣传册

    “无国界医生组织及襄樊市疾控中心艾滋病治疗项目三周年”宣传册是无国界医生组织对项目三周年进行的一个小小的总结,里面含有项目的最新数据。这份五页的小册子包含有以下内容:项目简洁,取得成果,项目内容(诊症,依从性,药品培训,家访及临终关怀,信息教育和交流)。 宣传册为中英文版本。
  • 快讯 女性手册

  • 快讯 影响世界五分之一人口的艾滋病政策-中国与其他国家不同的经验和教训

    2006年1月,中国政府和联合国组织共同公布了新的关于艾滋病感染者的预测数字——中国有感染者65万,这比此前两年公布的84万和几年来在中国、在国际社会不断重复的警告强音——2010年中国将有感染者1000万之间呈现出巨大的差距。同时,中国的艾滋病防治行政法规被批准,并于2006年3月1日开始实施。不同的评说,使这部新实施的法规从一开始就“毁誉参半”。批评者认为这部法规不但不能在实质上保护感染者不被歧视,反将使感染者落入更加不利的地位。而中国20年艾滋病防治政策法律的演进,除受中国人自己的认知能力和价值观的影响外,更多地是受了来自外部(联合国组织、别国政府及世界公民社会)的影响,——来自中国对外部艾滋病防治主张的“误读”和外国艾滋病防治政策对中国的“误导”。 本文针对来自世界卫生组织等用来影响中国的一些说法和做法,在中国的运用是否有效或恰当提出了置疑。这些说法和做法是:1,人人都有可能感染艾滋病;2,艾滋病的主要传播途径是性传播;3,艾滋病的流行会因其造成劳动力短缺和加大企业负担而严重影响一国经济;4,个人的认知程度、具体态度、信念取向,决定个人的实践行为;5,“宣传教育,提高知晓率”,“发挥NGO作用”,“推进100%安全套、美沙酮替代和洁净针具等行为干预”对艾滋病防治起着关键性的作用,以及,6,三个一(即一个共同的艾滋病防治行动框架、一个国家级艾滋病防治协调机构、一个统一的国家级监督与评价系统)等。 本文的积极主张是:在联合国艾滋病规划署“全面开展艾滋病综合防治”(UN-IVERSAL ACCESS)的提法之下,在必须认可、尊重和保护人权,反对歧视,强调国家对公民的健康权承担积极责任的前提下,各国、各地应有不同的因地制宜的艾滋病防治积极策略和具体做法。